AFW Challenge

Could $1,000 help you serve others?

Have you purchased Affirm The Word? Are you or your organization in need of a microgrant or equipment to further your mission to serve others? If so, the we'd like to hear your story. You can submit your story here, and learn more about this initiative below.

Share Your Story!

The spiritual practice of speaking God's word over your life is not just for you. The word of God says that iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17), and one of the ways we sharpen others is by giving back 5% of all our sales to further to Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is why we encourage you to share how you are using Affirm The Word to Grow in your walk with God or pursue His purpose for your life. We then share some of your stories to encourage others on our website and social channels. A select few of those submissions are then reviewed to receive either a microgrant or equipment donation to assist them with any endeavor shared in their story. Share your story today!

Affirm The Word Gives Back

Affirm The Word has committed to spending 5% of all sales toward biblical evangelism, prison ministry and communicating the importance of making the spiritual practice of "Speaking life" a consistent part of one's disposition, through the power and assistance of the Holy Spirit. Our two-fold purpose of the #affirmthewordchallenge is to share stories that will bless others and provide select entries with either a one-time microgrant, equipment or special gift to address a goal or need highlighted. Winning stories will address a need or project that serves others, assists in answering a Divine calling in ministry service, and/or offer assistance in overcoming extreme financial hardship or physical need while in the service to others. The maximum microgrant amount awarded at this time is $1,000 per winning entry, with special consideration given to an extreme need that may exceed that amount (not more than $2,500). A minimum of 1–2 entries are selected for a microgrant award, equipment and/or special gift per annual quarter. Entries are reviewed for consideration on a rolling bases.

DEC 1 - FEB 28 (or 29) = Qtr.1
MAR 1 - MAY 31 = Qtr. 2
JUN 1 - AUG 31 = Qtr. 3
SEP 1 - NOV 30 = Qtr. 4

Why #affirmthewordchallenge?

Let's face it, it's not always easy to trust God with all our heart, deny our own desires and lean not to our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5–6). Especially in a world where it's normal to seek your own path, do whatever you feel and then step on, curse and/or disregard whoever is in the way while doing so. Equally so, is the challenge of speaking life, or Affirming God's Word when all hell is breaking loose or it seems like there is no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. The purpose of this "challenge" is to encourage each other in our biblical mandate to give God thanks in every situation. Although remaining thankful (in speech and conduct) and grateful (in our disposition) can be difficult at times, it is the will of God for every believer (1 Thessalonians 5:18) and brings Glory to Him, while encouraging others in the process.

Giveaway Requirements

  1. Purchase any Affirm The Word published product (Affirm The word | Hardcover, Affirm The Word | Prayer Journal)
  2. Share your story. Submit a short story (no more than 2000 words), on how you are using Affirm The Word to grow in your relationship with God, fulfill your Divine purpose for His glory, and/or continue to affirm God's word through a life circumstance; any of which while in service to others.
  3. Entries selected for a microgrant or special equipment must also consent to be video recorded and have their story profiled on our website, social media platforms, broadcast radio and/or television.

The Selection Process

Once received, each entry is reviewed to be shared on our social media channels and for consideration in our #affirmthewordchallenge Giveaway. Therefore, it is important to note that you are consenting to share your story whether or not your entry is selected to receive a microgrant, equipment or special gift. Individuals with entries selected for a microgrant, equipment or special gift will be contacted by a member of our team with details regarding how to claim the award. These gifts can be used toward a specific cause or to address a need highlighted in the submission. *However, entries selected to receive a microgrant will be awarded to entries that demonstrate the following:

  • An individual or organization seeking to maintain or grow an active income-generating project or business, that serves their community or other parts of the world.
  • An individual actively engaging in a project or vocation that serves others, for any cause he or she chooses (including education or professional development).
  • An individual overcoming a physical disability or financial hardship while actively leading or engaging in a personal or community project that serves others.

*Individuals selected to receive a monetary or equipment gift will be provided with any pertinent tax information needed to fulfill all filing requirements stipulated by the Internal Revenue Service.

Special Entry Notes:

  • All entries are reviewed for consideration of a microgrant, equipment and/or special gift on a rolling basis, with a minimum of 1–2 entries selected per annual quarter.
  • There are no odds for selection as these are need/purpose-based awards provided at the sole discretion and review of Affirm The Word and its affiliates.
  • Affirm The Word will NEVER ask for your social security number, bank account number, or any personal information via email or phone call. The only thing award recipients will need to provide upon notification of their selection is a phone number to discuss next steps. The distribution of all awards will be done IN PERSON, where any pertinent information will be verified and documentation finalized

Divine Intention

As the word of God says, iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17), and by sharing all the great things our Father in doing in our lives, we overcome evil by the power of Christ's blood and the word of our testimony. It is our hope that through this fun and inspiring challenge, others will see that it is not only possible to consistently demonstrate our trust and belief in God's Divine providence, but that he actually does show up; making his will, way, and supernatural presence unequivocally known. And it is so!